About us

Learn about the EV Plugg

Nikhil and Manish, two close friends and passionate advocates for sustainable transportation, joined forces to tackle a common problem they encountered after purchasing electric vehicles (EVs) – the high cost of installing home EV chargers.

Nikhil, with a background in electrical engineering, brings his technical expertise to the table. He has a deep understanding of electrical systems and a keen interest in renewable energy. Nikhil firmly believes in the potential of EVs to reduce carbon emissions and create a more sustainable future. Motivated by his own experience with the expensive installation process, Nikhil became determined to find a way to make EV charging more affordable and accessible to all.

On the other hand, Manish, with a background in business and entrepreneurship, possesses a knack for innovation and problem-solving. He is always seeking opportunities to disrupt established industries and improve people’s lives through groundbreaking solutions. Witnessing the high installation costs of home EV chargers firsthand, Manish recognized a significant barrier to EV adoption and saw the potential for disruption in the market.

Nikhil and Manish’s partnership not only brings technical expertise and business acumen to the company but also represents the deep personal commitment they have towards driving change and making a difference in the world. Together, they are leading the charge towards a more accessible and sustainable future for electric vehicle charging.

Name Surname


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Name Surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Sharing a common vision and driven by their shared frustration, Nikhil and Manish decided to combine their skills, knowledge, and passion to start a company that would address the installation cost issue head-on. Their friendship and strong bond provided a solid foundation for their collaboration, enabling them to leverage their respective strengths and work together effectively.

With a shared goal of making electric vehicle charging more affordable and convenient, Nikhil and Manish have dedicated themselves to revolutionizing the charging experience. By providing cost-effective solutions, they aim to empower EV owners to charge their vehicles at home without financial strain. Their ultimate mission is to accelerate the transition to electric mobility, contribute to a greener future, and create a positive impact on society as a whole.

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